Volvo Repair: S70 Brake Pads, channel lock pliers, hex socket
QuestionHow do you change the front and back brake pads on a Volvo S70
AnswerMark, take wheel off and replace the pads. Ha. Anyway, its pretty easy actually. The fronts are a little tougher but not too bad. Use Rouunds/danblock pads with a silicone paste. Is you use junk from autozone, etc, you will be squeeling all the time. take a screwdriver and pull the pad away from the cailiper, then you can use a large channel lock pliers to squeeze the rest of the piston back. Remove the clip. 7mm hex socket to remove the bolt holding the caliper. Little black plug needs to come off first. remove caliper and replace pads. Rears are easier. Use pliers and squeeze end of pads towards you. use a punch to remove pins. reuse shims and install new pads. I hope this helped. If not, let me know and we can continue. Roger