Volvo Repair: The Volvo SC-815 CD/Cassette & Radio combo., ebay auctioneer, volvo units
QuestionMy fiance has a 1996 Volvo 960 with a totally useless CD/Cassette Radio Combo. It most times wont play. When it does, it wont give back the CD's. The Cassette player eats everything put into it's maw. And now the radio has quit. I think it's broken.
Is the SC-815 interchangeable with the SC-816? I want to buy a reconditioned unit (an SC-816) from an ebay auctioneer for $225.00. I wondered if it was compatible with the SC-815. The auctioneer said that the 816 would fit in the 960, thus replacing our now dead SC-815.
I really want to do this as I need all the "Atta Boy's and "Brownie Points" I can get. (I did a really big goof) Her birthday is 7 days away and She misses her "Books on Tape" that She listens to while She commutes to/from work. You're the expert. So what is your expert opinion. Are they compatable?
Gerry D. of Atlanta, GA
AnswerGerry, Ive never had this question but to be honest with you, you would be better off buying a nice aftermarket radio and install it in there. They make nice face kits that will make the installation look factory. Those Volvo units are garbage and for $225.00, you can get a really nice alpine or kenwood, etc and have it put in or you can do it. Im pretty sure the 816 will be okay but to be 100 percent sure, I would call the Volvo dealer. Roger