Volvo Repair: Restoring 1987 240dl volvo station wagon, volvo station wagon, brake rotors
QuestionI would like to get my volvo back on the road. The body is in great shape. I know it needs a clutch, possible brakes, and a tune up... I think. What do you think the cost should be?What things should I look for? It has not been on the road in a year. It was driven back and forth to the garage a few months ago, so it does move.It's just that the clutch is bad. Also is it hard to fix the AC on this year car.
Thanks, Debi
AnswerInspect the brakes, look for seized or sticking calipers,brake rotors that are too thin, and emergency brake shoes that might be delaminating.Tune up is the usual plugs, cap, rotor, wires,clean and adjust the throttle body,air filter and breather service.When was timing and drive belts last replaced?You might want to check the valve adjustment and make sure the rear camshaft cap isn't loose.Very simple AC system.The AC should be evacuated and recharged, leak tested and a leak detecting dye added to the system.When you do the clutch make sure to replace the rear main seal and pilot bearing check the throwout arm for wear/cracking and check the cable for stickiness.The cost will depend on where you live, here in Chicago the labor rate is about 100 an hour on the average.
4 hrs clutch
1.5 tune
1 AC
2-4 brakes,depending on condition
OE parts are expensive,but you get what you pay for