QuestionMy Volvo needs an alternator; mechanic says $450. I can't afford that, so I want to install myself. I have never done this before, but from what I have read it is one of the easiest things for a mechanic to do. Okay, so I'm not a mechanic, but I am a desperate woman who needs to get this car fixed. Where can I get some simple, clear instructions on how to do this. I think if I followed the instructions and took my time I could probably do it.
AnswerA good place is your local library. Haynes has many manuals available.But briefly:
Disconnect the negative battery cable(-)
Un-plug and disconnect the wires located on the back of the altrnator
Remove the belt adjustment lock nut located at the bottom of the alternator
Loosen the belt adjuster bolt enough to remove the belt
Remove the two bolts mounting the alternator
Remove alternator
Install in reverse
Swapping the pulley over may proof the most difficult without access to an air tool
You can do it, let me know if you need help