Volvo Repair: Engine starting problem, fuel pump filter, volvo 940
QuestionI have a 1991 Volvo 940 SE. I just started having problems starting the car. The engine turns over, but it doesn't start. My feeling is it's a fuel pump, filter problem. What is the best method to trouble shoot this problem?
AnswerKenneth, There is no magic cure by replacing the fuel filter. I have never seen one get clogged so take that theory out of the loop. First start by seeing if the timing belt broke. If its okay, then check for spark. Usually the fuel relay may be the culprit but you have to test the basics first. If you can hear the fuel pump run when you bump the key, then that rules that out. There are a lot of things to test so, test the basics first. We can go further into it after you do those basic tests first. Roger