Volvo Repair: Extended crank hard start missfire code Please Help, crank angle sensor, volvo vadis
Questioni currently have a 2000 S 80 t6 that i cant figure out. This vehicle will crank for 1 to 3 min sometimes longer and will not start. i installed a new crank angle sensor and re routed the the battery cable still nothing. vehicle has 208000 miles not
that that matters. vehicle has fuel you can smell it after cranking for a while. after it starts it is not so hard to re start but still has extended crank .Any suggestions. i own a repair shop and have Mitchell on demand and a snapon modis and they are not helping.hopefully you can . thanks
AnswerJustin, that Modis isnt going to help you in this case. Volvo VADIS is the only tool for these hateful cars. I really hate them. I cringe everyday when I see one. We have had problems with the key antenna rings on these stupid cars. I would do a fuel pressure test as well just to see whats happening there. Roger