Volvo Repair: 95 940 Turbo, little smoke, o rings

Hi Jimmy,
I have a 1995 940 Turbo Sedan, about 2 months ago noticed a little smoke, but figured it was nothing. Now it has turned into a big smoke a man called the fire dept on my thought I was on fire, anyway seems all the smoke is coming from the exhaust, and from the turbo. Besides the obvious, could it be the o rings or something like that needs to be replaced? AR has no clue to what a Volvo is just the other day at the parts store asked the guy to look up a part, his exact words and this is the gods truth, "He says so is a Volvo is a Chrysler? Thank you for any help you can give me.  

Laura, Its funny how its 2007 and some people in AR are still living in 1922.  If its blowing smoke that bad then its definately the Turbo charger itself.  Not sure how far you are from the nearest Volvo shop but I wouldnt let those guys touch my car there.  Roger