Volvo Repair: 99 S70 Volvo A/C stops blowing cold, compressor clutch, plastic connector
QuestionI have an S70 Volvo non turbo manual climate control not Electonic climate control. When start car a/c cold & compressor working, then blows air only, sometimes when I turn a/c off for awhile it works again for a short while.
A/C charged. I read that you addressed this problem on 5/11/2006 to Raymond, You advised him: There is a sensor on the outside of the rear of the compressor that likes to be annoying & that you bypass tht sensor, & there are two connectors. One from sensor to the power lead and one from comp to power. Disconnect the sensor and replug the other conector the power lead and you will not have anymore issues. I don't understand. On my A/C looking from the front of car, hood raised, I can only see one (1) black wire coming out of the top front of A/C compressor clutch area, to the side of compressor near the front front of car going into a 1"X 1" square by about 1/4" thick attached to mounting bracket on the A/C, the wire comes out the other side into a cream colored plastic connector round tubular up and down also attached next some bracket. This wire is now gray colored & goes into a bundle. however I see no other wires attached the A/C anywhere. How do I do this bypass? Is this the wire you are talking about? I looked underneeth in front & on bottom. I really need some help here.
AnswerJames, on some cars that sensor is on the compressor. What also happens on these is that the clutch stops engaging. When the compressor stops blowing, carefully tap the clutch with a pry bar to see if it reengages. You should also check the freon level. That guy had the rear sensor on his compressor. Hope this helped. Roger