I have a 2000 S80 T6 with 110k miles. About 6 months ago it developed a whine that the dealer has identified as the turbo(s). The whine begins at approx 1500 rpm, is loudest at 2000 rpm and then disappears quickly. It only whines when it is gear- there is no noise at all if the car is in park and the motor is revved. Also, it is worse when the motor is cold. It gets much quieter after it warms up. It does not seem to be getting worse.
The dealer has advised that it is common for the turbos to develop a whine as the engine gets older. Since it is not getting worse, their advise is to keep the oil clean and it will probably not get worse and will likely run for many thousand more miles.
They have suggested that if it were being starved of oil, the bearings would have likely siezed by now. They believe that pulling the oil lines and checking the ports would not yield anything of consequence and would be a waste of my money. In short, they feel that it will keep going for many miles to come.
First, is the whine a common occurence? Second, what causes the whine? and third, do you agree with their diagnosis and recommendations?
AnswerSteve, All turbo vehicles have a whine. Its the exhaust building the pressure to produced the extra power, When you hear the big Diesel Truck going down the road, you hear that whine. Its normal. I wouldnt worry about it. I agree with what the dealer told you. Roger