Volvo Repair: fuel gauge, volvo dealership, fuel gauge

We have a 2005 S40 Turbo, that was purchased when it first appeared in 2004, and we recently inherited from my mom.  Our son just drives it about 4 miles back and forth to school daily.  The car currently has a little over 10,000 miles on it.  The issue is that the fuel gauge is all messed up and Volvo acts like I'm a lune.  First you can fill up the car and it says 270 miles until empty, then you drive 75 miles and it'll say 400 miles until empty.  This is what the Volvo dealership gets stuck on.  They keep saying, "depending on how you drive, this can fluctuate", I get that, but not this erratically.  Beyond that, the fuel gauge registers on the red at empty, you fill the 17 gallon tank up and it only takes 10 gallons.  This they can't explain, so they go back to looking at me with a blank stare and regurgitating that the miles until emty can run from guard-rail to guard-rail and that's the way this car is, thank you very much. I spoke to someone else that had this same problem with this car.  Are we nuts?

Lynn, no you arent nuts.  What the dealer should do is replace the fuel tank unit but they are being jerks.  The car is under warranty and they need to fix it.  Call the Volvo tech line if you cant get results from your dealer.  They will send a rep down.  Roger