I don't have a noid light. How much are they, if not too much I'll go get one. I had read something about holding a screwdriver against the injector and listening to it to see if you can hear clicking. Is that what you mean by using a screw driver?
The spark plug looks good. It is about two years old but it was the high end bosch plug. I also just replaced the plug wires. I did verify that the plug was arcing by removing it, putting it in the plug wire, starting the engine, and looking for the spark, which I did see.
So if the spark is there and if I find that the injector is clicking what should I do next?
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I belive I did remove the bolt by the fuel pressure regulator. I removed three bolts--two that also grounded the injectors and one near the front of the car under the pressure regulator.
I am trying to diagnose why one cylinder is not firing. I have verified that spark is getting to the plug and the plug is arcing. I have verified that the cyclinder is not firing by disconnecting the injector power from each cylinder. When I disconnected the power from the last cylinder (#4?) the idle of the engine did not change (It is amazing to me that a four cylinder car can run so well on three cylinders. I was just trying to fix a rough idle.) I thought I'd switch a couple of the injectors to see if the non-firing cylinder followed the injector. Is there a better way to determine if an injector is not working?
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I am trying to remove the injectors on a 91 740 turbo but they don't seem to want to come out. I have removed all the bolts on the fuel rail that runs across the top of all four. I have removed the retaining clip at the top of each injector. Everything moves and wiggles but the fuel rail will not come off the injectors and the injectors will not come out. I am unsure as to how much pressure to apply for fear of breaking an injector. Are these things supposed to just pull out? How hard should I have to pull? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Tom, did you remove the bolt by the fuel pressure regulator? Sometimes they get stuck. Just pry it. It will come off. Why are you changing the injectors? Roger
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Tom, do you have a noid light to see if number 4 injector wire is pulsing? I have seen injectors go bad but not too often. You can use a screwdriver to feel if the injector is pulsing or not. How is the spark plug? Roger
AnswerTom, If you already have a new injector or test injector that works, replace it anyway. A set of noid lights are cheap. About 20 bucks at a Harbor frieght or Northern tool place. Checking for pulse is a must. No pulse, then problem with ECU or wiring harness. Roger