Volvo Repair: Volvo 2001 S80, timing belt, brakes

I purchased a used 2001 S80 Volvo, the car stopped running suddenly. I've been told the timing  belt tentioner has failed, allowing timing belt to jump time and cause severe internal damage mechanisim failed and caused the engine to stop running. They said the engined needs to be replaced. Engined shut off at 840 RPM  

yes if the timing belt brakes  and imsure the car has over 100000 miles right  timing belt is due at 105000 with belt tenssioner  yes it makes very big damage when it brakes  .i dont know were you from but if you close to chicago i can help you and if you plan to sale the car i can buy from so long we can bring the car to chicago i have used engine for s80 i buy the car from you if you like