Volvo Repair: 2002 - S60 2.4 L Turbro Volvo Fuel Door Hinge, door hinge, volvo dealer
I was pumping gas the Fuel Door Hinge (Black plastic piece stuck to the body of the car) broke. I called the volvo dealer and was informe that I need to replace the entire door. Can I just buy the Fuel Door Hinge. Everything else is good.
AnswerYes you can replace just the hinge. As long as the bar which it clips to is okay, and the spring is still able to stay on the door. With the new hinge break off the 4 little posts. Round out the holes alittle with a phillips head screwdriver (just enough so you can insert those 4 posts into the holes). Clip the hinge to the door (do not clip the spring yet). Place onto the body of the car and hammer the pins in until they are flush with the rest of the hinge. To remove the old hinge you need to hit those through and out the other side. Then clip the spring into the hinge on those small little clips/grooves. You're done. It takes only a few minutes to do. Maybe a little longer using written instructions like this. If something doesn't look right or you get confused let me know and I can work to clarify it for you.