Volvo Repair: 1988 volvo ignition switch will not turn, electrical portion, becareful

how do i get the switch removed from steering column

George, you need to remove the instrument cluster.  Remove the 2 little black trim pieces.  One is where the clock adjustment is and the other is the unleaded fuel one.  There will be 2 screws.  Remove them and put the cluster out.  Becareful.  There may be a tiestrap holding in some of the wiring if this cluster has never come out before.  You decide if you want to take the connectors off the cluster and set it aside.  Remove the electrical connection from the switch.  There will be 2 screws holding in the switch, this is the fun part.  I use a mirror to see if Im on the screw.  This is for the electrical portion of the switch.  If you are wanting to take the whold ignition assembly out, good luck, its the biggest pain in the neck.  Drilling, chiseling, etc.  Not a fun job.  Roger