Volvo Repair: 2000 Volvo S70 - window switch panel, 2000 volvo s70, jumper wires
QuestionGreetings Mr. TenBrook,
My driver side window will go down but not up and so it has been left down since. I am guessing the problem is in the window switch panel because the window does move (only down though). Do you think a replacement WINDOW SWITCH PANEL will solve the problem? Thank you for your help
AnswerIts almost definitly your problem. the only other thing is the window may just be getting jammed going into the up position. if that is the case you will need a new window regulator most likely. What you can do is to connect the motor to the battery positive and negative with jumper wires and see if it moves up and down. If it does then you know what your problem is for sure. I would try the switch first myself but I don't have to buy parts to try them.