Questionhi, i am considering purchasing an 850R from a private party, it
drives beautifully but one of its issues is that when it is in econ.
mode it will occasionally wander into sport or winter mode all on
its own. never happens when it starts in sport mode. (so the
owner leaves it in sport mode) has been checked 3 times but root
problemn cannot be found, no codes being thrown is what i have
been told. what do you think? go ahead and get it...or run
away?! also what other potential probs. can i expect with a well
maintained 1996 850R @ 130,000k?
THANK YOU in advance!
AnswerChillian, That car was made for sport mode anyway. HAHA. That is a rare car so I would snag it no matter what other issues it may have. Common issues on any 850 is the A/C evaporator, Brake Rotors and silly trim pieces. They are a great car. To be honest, I have never heard of this sort of problem. It can be the switch or an issue in the Transmission control Module. Regardless, Grab this car and hold on to it. Will be worth lots of $$$$ in the future. Roger