Volvo Repair: Radiator removal, looking up at the bottom, bottom side

I have a 99 V70 that has developed water in the tranny and tranny fluid in the radiator. Obviously I need to get a new radiator. Can you give me tips re: the removal of the radiator? From the top or the bottom? Etc. TIA

There are a few 10mm screws on either side that hold the assembly together (intercooler, radiator, condensor).  They are accessed throught the grill and the bottom ones are easy to see.  The ones through the grill are difficult to get.  I use a 10mm swivel socket with a long extension.  Its worth the money to buy it if you plan on doing this job yourself.  It comes out the bottom.  Remove the bolts holding the sandwich of radiator etc. together and then looking up at the bottom or the radiator, there are 2 bolts bolting it to the bottom side of the frame.  It then drops out the bottom.  It needs alot of room to work it out so have it on a lift or REALLY tall jack stands or ramps.  The cover on the bottom will have to come off first (obviously).
