Volvo Repair: 1987 Volvo 240 Wgn rust on underside, rust reformer, volvo dealership
Question1987 Volvo 240 Sta. Wgn. I bought it three years ago, and most things are in good shape and it runs great, but it had rust on the underside when I bought it. I had two plates weled on the underside after I bought it three years ago, and now rust is starting to appear in half a dozen places, including the structural members. It's not horribly bad, but the Volvo dealership says it's probably not worth putting any more money into. I LOVE my Volvo 240 and don't want to part with it. I wish I knew if there is some way to fix the rust so that it will last longer. If I just slather Rust Reformer all over the rusty spots (some are 3-4" and on structural members), will that stop it for awhile? The car needs a blower fan right now in order to be liveable in this heat, and that's a $900 job. It also has electrical kinks now and then. Do you think there is any way to salvage it? Can the rust be stopped? Is the elctrical stuff a nightmare to try and fix?
Answer900? Who are you taking that car too? You are being ripped off. I do that job in the 5-6 range. As far as the rust, Once it starts it keeps going. I would try to find a newer wagon. I have a 90 and I have no rust on it at all. The mid 80's wagons were bad rust cars. The electrical issues would have to be looked at. I cant diagnose that stuff online. Roger