Volvo Repair: sticking breaks 1990 240dl wagon, front wheel bearings, fish aquariums

I have a 1990 240dl wagon and I have recently replaced my  
front break calipers, rotors and pads, as they froze they froze
repeatedliy. (While I was at it the front wheel bearings, it all
needed doing). The problem is the pads still scrap the
rotors, much more than just new pads that may make a noise.  I
don't think  the calipers are working properly, it seems they
don't open enough after breaking. They feel as is if they are still
partially applied. I have puuled off the tires and the wheel's don't
move freely.  I replaced the master cylinder
about a year and a half ago- is there some adjustment
or something that requires resetting?

Your in sights would be greatly appreciated. And
thanks again for having such a great site.

Robert Price

Hi Robert,
        I think you have a plugged brake fluid line and it is preventing the fluid from relaxing after applying the brakes.If you tried to bleed the brakes you might find out where the problem is...I have seen this happen before and it is perplexing..
so, your job is to find out which of the 2 flex brake lines are the problem...might be good to replace both...use plastic see thru mini-hose to attach to bleeder on caliper.. into bottle for neat bleeding of calipers...use fishtank plastic hose used in fish aquariums...cost about $1.00...Use Castrol LMA brake fluid...a very good choice....about $6,00 a quart.
            Never drive the car with a sticky ruins the new pads by glazing them and they will squeal and chew-up the rotor..
              Good luck,