Volvo Repair: No blower, A/C and cigarette lighter working, cigarette lighter, fuzes

1997 V40 Volvo. It was a sultry day and I had just started the car, turned on the A/C to full and plugged the GPS into the cigarette lighter outlet when the blower moter stopped, A/C lite turned off and I eventually figured the cig. outlet was dead. I checked all the fuzes in the under the dash and the under the hood and all are good. I took them out and ohmed them to verify. There is a relay module could that be causing this? All other functions on the car are working fine.  

Well you may have blown a bigger supply fuse.  All the component fuses could still be good.  The climate modules and blower motor powerstage/resistorpack have a tendancy of failing all the time too though.  That could easily explain you a/c or blower problem but then something else would be causing your power outlet problem.  Also be sure to double check that your accessories are in working order.  I never check the outlets by plugging an accessory because they break all the time.  Check for voltage at the socket.  I wish I could be more specific in where to look but the V40 wasn't introduced here in the U.S. until 2000, so there is no wiring manual available to me for your car, otherwise I could have had much more information for you.
