Re: QID=4326766
Yesterday I wrote you regarding the above topic mentioning that little block on the back end of the AC compressor in my 240 wagon, and some possible options at solving the problem I'm having with a previous Rube Goldberg repair by another party where the wire became disconnected at the block where they had solder it onto a screw that they inserted. Thank again for getting back on that..
Last night I took the wire apart at what I thought was an in line fuse. It turns out that that was not a fuse, rather a but joint in what looked like a fuse case. So I took the wire apart at that joint to eliminate any possibilities of a short happening till I resolve the situation.
Today I was over at Paul's Motors (Volvo in Hawthorne, NJ) to speak with the folks in the parts dept. It turns out that the little black cube is indeed a heat shield. If one were to purchase one it's ~ 140.00 and comes with the solenoid for the AC compressor clutch.
In light of the fact that what I though was a fuse and is in fact not. I asked them about the thought of bypassing the heat shield by butting the in coming and out going wires. There recommendation was not to do that. Rather to either get a new solenoid that comes with the heat shield, or to go looking in a junk yard for one. If I could find one to then clip the wires and splice in the unit gathered from the junk yard, removing the old heat shield.
Does this second option sound reasonable? And if so are you aware of any salvage yards in the USA where one might find such a part on a junker?
Steve Burns
AnswerSteve, Of course they dont want to recommend that because they want you to buy a compressor coil. Steve, I've been doing this a long time and do Hold a Volvo Master rating, I have done this in the past and I have never had any problems. That thing you thought was a fuse is just a type of connector so the wire doesnt come out of the socket. You dont want to put a used solonoid on the car, it will give you nothing but a headache. In my opinion, it is cheaper to replace the whole compressor. There is no warranty on the solonoid. You burn it you own it. the compressor at least comes with a 1 year parts warranty. That is my opinion. I hope I was able to help with your issue. Roger