I have a '92 240 Wagon, AC is not working. History, on the back end of the AC compressor there is a small block aprox. 1"x1"x3/4" that has two wires go into it. It is on a tensioning bolt at the back of the compressor. One wire going into, leads off to a in line fuse, the other leads off to the AC clutch assembly.
Two years ago I found the one leading off to the inline fuse had been pulled out by someone working on the car. Whom it was I don't know, but most likely it happened while having LOF service done.
With this wire out the AC would not work. I took it to my mechanic, who inserted a screw in the block and then soldered the wire to the screw. All worked fine. However this winter I had a new battery put in and a LOF done by the folks who did the battery install and unfortunately they broke the solder joint and now the AC does not work... Also unfortunately this was done about 5 months ago and it is impossible to go back to them and say they screwed up.
So my options are to 1.) Re solder the wire to the screw that was installed in the block. Or bypass the block by connecting the wires. I'm concerned about doing this as I do not know what the function of this little block does.
What I do know is that when the wires are both connected to the little block the AC compressor comes on when the dash board switch is turned on and all works fine. I also know that if the contact is broken to this block (as in the wire that was soldered is disconnected the AC clutch will not engage and the AC will not work.)
My options appear to be: 1. Re solder the wire to the screw. 2. Replace the unit if I can find out what it is. OR 3. by pass this little block into the AC clutch by connecting the wires together ultimately leading to the AC compressor clutch.
I'm wondering if option #3. is safe as I do not know what the function of the block is.
Do you have any advice before I go and possibly do something stupid?
All the best.
Steve Burns
AnswerSteve, Option 3, cut the wire at the block and butt join it into the wire. Whoever put a screw in it and soldered it is a complete moron and shouldnt ever touch a car. What he did could have been disastrous. I hate hearing about people doing garbage like this. It could have shorted out and fried your coil on the compressor. Luckily that didnt happen. Now the block is ruined so the only choice you have is to elimate it. You are covered by the fuse so if the clutch get too warm it will blow the fuse. That little block is more or less to control the amount of voltage going into the compressor but since its also on a relay system, you are okay. Hope this helped. Roger