Volvo Repair: On-line Guide for Water Pump Replacement (90 Volvo740), replacing a water pump, metric wrenches

Is there a sight available that offers a good step-by-step guide for replacing a water pump?

I was caught by this between pay checks and in a bind.  

Thanks in advance!


Hi Zack,
       I dont know of any websites that guide you thru installing a water pump in your 740.
      This is not a difficult job to do.
        If you have average mechanical skill you can do it yourself.
      If you do have these skills I may help you to do the job.YOU MUST HAVE SOME BASIC TOOLS AND SKILLS..1/4" drive set..misc.metric wrenches..10mm to 14mm combo.wrenches..good screwdriver...hammer..scraper.. 3ft piece of 5/8 heater hose..low profile catch the anti-freeze
          So if you really have the required items..and skills..let me know.
               Happy motoring,
   Is this car a 4cyl...or 6cyl?