Question110K on car. Limited mechanical skills (I have replaced odometer gears and relays myself, but nothing else. I have a decent independent volvo mechanic, but I like to do my research to keep him honest). I have two questions, in several parts.
Question #1: My alternator belt is squealing hellaciously, which I understand is a problem with either the belt itself or the bearing. Could the alternator problem (ie, power) also be the cause of these symptoms, which I have also experienced? Or, if not the alternator, could bad engine wiring harness be the cuplrit:
A) 4 blown radio/cig lighter fuses in 5 months
B) Turn signals occasionally don't work, and relay(?)roughly behind radio makes rapid clicking noise, which doesn't make sense to me because my diagrams locate the signal relay further down the console, near the driver footwell
C) Periodically, after highway driving, when I turn off the ignition, some motor (starter?) continues to run, making a very loud high pitched noise and vibration, as if surging into a higher gear. The noise seems to be coming from dead center on the engine firewall. The car then needs to be restarted and shut down to stop it.
Question #2: What do you think is a reasonable price for a shop to overhaul all my front and rear bushings? If I buy the IPD sets, what do you think the total labor hours would be for this job? Car is getting clunky and rough over bumps, railroad tracks, etc.
Thanks so much in advance!!!!
Answer Hello,
I'm unable to go thru every item you have mentioned.
In 1986 240 had serious problems with engine wiring harness...often I would come across this problem....before you get into any repair you must assess wiring....check wiring at back of engine near firewall..
Volvo placed relays in many locations....behind dash in area you mentioned...on forward floor of pass. foot area...under drivers foot area.
Have no idea what the costs are to replace all bushings..
Good luck,