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Question -
the distributor appears unusual to has a circlip holding what appears a coil of wire but i cannot see the points. are they below the coil and are all these distributors like this? thanks don p.
Answer -
If you are looking for ignition points...?
There are none. you have a white dist cap?
hello bilbo
with no points, is this an electronic dist? and will it work in place of one with points? it has an orange colored cap. thnks again Don P.
AnswerHey Don...
Is this car from Canada...or Europe?
Many of these 240's had points.
BUT..I'm 99% sure you don't have points. may not change your dist....even if you DID have points...The electronic distributor has a support system to make it work.
My guess is that you should have a mechanic look and diagnosis your problem...Why spend money for parts...that you don't need?
Do yourself a favour...check your fuses...condition and corrosion factor..
Good Luck,