Volvo Repair: 98 S70 Poor idling and high rev at start up, maintenace, throttle body
QuestionThe engine operates fine outside of a poor idle and high revs at start up but the engine light stays on. If you suspect a part, how difficult is the repair and a the dealer the only option?
AnswerHello Jenn, First thing, 'The Codes' should be read and most of your more established repair shops have the tools to read them.Secondly ,it may be only some maintenace needs.The 'throttle body' and the ''idle motor are main actors in the 'drama of driving'. They are located near one another,the first is where the pedal cable is connected,the second is the 'barrel' shaped device with two (aprox.1 in. in diameter) hoses attached. They get dirty and the small opening of the throttle boby get blocked and the idle motor can stick and release suddenly and you get what you are describing.They are not difficult to repair. Expect to pay 2 hrs labor, a paper gasket and cleaners. Your engine system can 'activate' the 'idle motor'to in fact,see if she is OK.Thank you and good hunting! PKD