Volvo Repair: sunroof problem, anchor points, shift lock
Questionhi my name is mehmet
i have 98 c70,my problem is the sunroof
when you go on the highway,i can see sunroof moving alittle up an down,make noise,but no leaks or anything,is there a simple solution,that i can take care of myself?whenever i touch the brake pedal you can hear a noise from gear box (park-position, thank you
AnswerHello Mehmet, Your sun roof has 4 anchor points at each corner.(Those plastic covers pop out from front to back,then slide lower part to the rear of the sunroof.)Make sure they're not loose.The noise you are hearing is the 'shift lock soleniod',its a good noise.If you don't hear it she won't come out of Park without pressing the 'overide button'.Thank you and good hunting! PKD