Volvo Repair: 1999 V-70, loose connections, car check

The car starts and then dies.  I pulled the AMM connection off, then reconnected.  Also pulled the main relay, put that back on.  This is very intermittent (happens once every two weeks), where the car starts then dies.  Try to start it again five seconds later and it starts, then dies.  Got any ideas.  I have replaced plugs & fuel filter about 10 Km ago. When the car runs, it operates fine.
Thanks for your help.

There are too many possibilities to suggest.  The only way a shop can find the problem even is if they get the car when it doesn't run.   As long as it still starts then at that moment nothing is wrong with the car.  Check for bad relays, and loose connections mostly.  That would give an intermittent failure like that.  
