Volvo Repair: Odd Blower Issue: 1998 S70 GLT, climate control system, climate system
QuestionI have a problem with the environmental system in this car: Sometimes (more details below), when I turn the car on and the env system is set to be operational (regardless of what it's supposed to do -- AC or not, heat or cold, high or low fan, recirculate or not), the blower comes on for less than a second, then stops, and the 'recirculate' button light (orange) and the 'off' button light (also orange) both flash. The only way to recover from this is to try and turn the car off again, then on, and repeat several times.
This *NEVER* happens in the morning when the car is initially turned on. It also *NEVER* happens in the middle of a drive -- it will work, or not, as the car is started mid-day, but never start/stop working while the car is on.
AnswerThe flashing lights there mean that there is a fault in the climate control system. There is a check engine light for the engine computer and the recirc button and off button flash orange with fault in the climate system. Take your car to the dealership and they can hook up the volvo scan tool to see what has failed. It is an electrical issue, and the only way to know what is going on is to get the codes off of the computer. Intermittent failures are hard to test so the data frozen in the computer at the time of the fault would be the key to knowing what is going on. Hope that helps.