Volvo Repair: Volvo wont start, jumper cables, volvo 244

Here's the thing, for some reason when I turn the key to my 1984 volvo 244 dl I do not even get a clicking or anything from the starter. Nothing happens. The lights turn on, but no start. So this is what I did:

"The ignition switch first was replaced, then the entire ignition system.. The wiring harness was replaced, and we checked pretty much everything you can think of.. There is power in the right places, but We can not get an electrical signal from the ignition to the starter, therefore, the car wont start.. The battery is fine, and the car lights up like a christmas tree when you turn the key, but no start.. We have looked for the short, just about every where you can think of, and can not find it. DO you have any advice as to where some typical places are to check for problems of this nature? I just want to fix my car.

Look for resistance of the battery cable from the battery to the starter.  A loose connection may be there that you can't see.  There could be a break in the wire without a break in the insulation so you can't see it.  Also pull the starter out and make sure that the mating surface between the starter motor and the block.  That is where the starter gets it ground connection.  This should probably take care of it.  It could need a new starter motor too.  All these checks are free though.  When you have the starter out though bench test it.  clamp it in a vice and connect it to the battery directly with jumper cables.  Hope that helps.
