Volvo Repair: How to delete SRS red light, black boxes, volvo 850
which is a 93' Volvo 850 Turbo
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Question -
Can you tell me how to delete (reset or turn off ) the SRS red light from the dash board,
thank you very much
Answer -
you did not mention a model or year.usually there is a special tool required.this should really be looked at for a diagnosis.
Answerunder the hood behind passenger headlight are 2 black boxes one marked A 1 marked B.install wire from box A into socket marked 5 on box B.then press button on box A a 3 digit code will flash bax via the red LED. DO THIS TIL THE FIRST CODE REPEATS THEN WHEN LIGHT LIHT SUP PRESS FOR 5 SECONDS AGAIN THIS SHOULD ERASE THE CODES.