Volvo Repair: Starting Problem, high tension wire, consistent failure
Question1988 Volvo 760 turbo GLE, during starting, it cranks and turns but don't start. Tried batteries, alternator, etc. Spark plug test - no spark. High tension wire test - no current. Replaced ignitor - still didn't start, replace ignition coil - didn't start. I am about to change Radio noise relay suppresor - as I was told. Am getting frustrated, pls help...
AnswerWhere did you test for spark, at the distributor inlet or at the plugs? Have you looked at the distributor condition, or the rotor? Is your ignition coil getting power? Is the ignitor circuit getting power? Have you checked all of your fuses? Engine control module working? You have fuel and no spark, or no fuel and no spark? Check system relays. Check all of those things first before you start replacing components on guesses. It doesn't cost you anything to double check all of those things and you'll have a much better idea of whats going on. You'll save alot of money that way. Hope that gives you some ideas. There isn't any consistent failure with that model so it'll be up to you to find it; can't really suggest a probably cause. Good luck.