Volvo Repair: 1995 850 2.3L missing part?, cylinder head gasket, spark plug wires
Question I have ben trying to find why my engine is leaking oil since the head gsket was replaced by a repair shop. After I removed the top cover of the engine to expose the spark plug wires I found that there is a machined port between cylinders 3 and 4 which goes directly into the oil galley. This is not to be confussed with the oil breather pipe which is located between cylinders 2 and 3. Am I missing something from the head that was not put back after the cylinder head gasket was replaced? The top of the engine was covered with engine oil which ran down both sides of the block.
AnswerI will have to ry to look this up.the only thing I know of other than the spot between 2 and 3 is some have a pipe for the air pump system which connects in the area between 3and 4.they may have left something off I would take it back to them or have the dealer or good volvo mechanic look at it for a proper diagnsosi.