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Yes, I did mean a 740 wagon. Think I found how to open doors on, I'll look, maybe it just needs lube. Is there a Haynes manual for this model & year?
Car has about 230K miles. Stalling started during rain this summer. Wire Drier and WD 40 worked. I know where I should be going with this.
3 additional questions.
1). Blower had only worked on highest setting, now not at all. Replaced dash board control with used but did'nt work. Fuse got very hot and a little smoke came out of the defrost vent, so unplugged and left it. A.C. hasn't worked since I bought car more than a year ago. and cig. lighter and shift indicator light are out, could these be related to blower? How do you get at blower and replace it? I've been told there's a "rectifier" that may be the problem, or is that B.S.?
2). Auto tranny seems to take off from stop in 2nd, very slow. Sometimes will drop to first if I kick it to the floor. This usually happens with a jerk and a clunk somewhere in the rear end. Can the tranny be adjusted?
I imagine clunk is worn control arm bushings letting axle flop around.
3). While backing up, contacted a tree and pulled driver side of front bumper out from body, otherwise it's still aligned. Are the bumper struts pressurized hydraulic, can presure be released and bumper pushed back in and tack welded? Car is old and rather not replace whole assembly.
Thanks for all your great help and timely response.
Answer1) fan not working maybe just a resistor pack. When this is bad, gives only one speed which is high. It sits behind glove box. Needs to remove glove to access both resistor and blower motor. Remove resistor and look at the terminals. If resistor pack is ok, perform ohm reading on blower motor or run fused 12volts to it to test.
2)First double check to see that fluid is clean and proper level, especially not too high. if not service it first. Check the transmission kickdown cable to make sure it moves freely in sheath, if not try some wd-40 on it and see if it frees up. As far as adjustment,check to see that it makes click noise in trans. when you pull and release the cable. Should be metallic noise. If not loosen the nuts and try again. If this is all ok, may have internal problem in trans.
3)Don't mess with the bumper shocks, replace with used ones from wrecking yard.