Volvo Repair: 00 Volvo XC XE, volvo xc, proper diagnosis

We live in the mountains. The problem I am experiencing is when I am climbing up a mtn
pass.  I will step on the accelerator the engine
gets to about 3200 RPM it will drop to ~2800 RPM RPM. It goes through this same cycle over and over
during the climb or fast acceleration. I do not experience this when I am driving on flat highway, it runs fine. It
appears that it is only when I really step on
the accelerator. I thought turbo at first, however
I don't appear to be burning excess oil. The car
only has 53K on it and the oil is change every
3-4k miles.

there are many things that can affect the fuel system this could be a bad throttle unit,acclerator pedal sensor or air mass will need to be looked at for a proper diagnosis.I have not heard of this type problme but I guess  I would not have since it is flat here in SW Florida.