Questionmy 87 volvo sedan has had no issues at all, but i went fishing, after i tried to start the car and nothing,the battery was good there was spark to the starter/solenoid (tired to bridge it with a screw driver)and all electrical systems were good,
fuses are good and terminals are clean, this blows when you are 45 kms down a logging road!
apart from that its an amazing car just gas and oil cahnges and i have known this car history for 10yrs prior to myself driving it( cops don't seem to mind old brown 4 door volvo's)
thank you
Answerassuming you are saying the car doesn't start? Also don't know what model you are talking about. What fuse are you talking about ??
no solenoid click : if your is an automatic, check your neutral safety switch, wiggle in park or in neutral to see if it starts.
need more info