Volvo Repair: b21e engine, balance shaft, o clock
QuestionHi there, living in a remote area i try to get some help this way...snapped the timing belt on my 1976 245 with a b21 e engine today. Had spare, put it on but have trouble to determine right setting...topgear for valves is easy and clearly marked, timing gear and crankcase are the problem. Engine runs again but i'm not sure if it's out a few teeth. photo or drawing of correct timing would be most appreciated. thank you so much in advance for this free and fantastic service.
Answerthe crankshaft mark has a notch in the gear washer which is on the outside of the belt gear.this will line up with a mark in the rear timing belt backing plate at about 11 O'clock.the idler or balance shaft pulley will have a notch or dot similar to the cam pulley this will line up with a mark on the backing plate at about 3 O, will be just below 3 Oclock.