Volvo Repair: 90 Volvo 240 DL brake failure light on, volvo 240 dl, brake failure
QuestionMy brake failure dash light just came on. At same time I noticed my rear window brake light is out (bulb needs replaced). Brakes seem to work and feel fine, no odd noises when brakes are applied, and brake fluid level OK. Haven't pulled off the tires yet, but could the brake failure light be on because of the burned out bulb, or must there be another reason?
if it is brake failure lamp, it can not be related with brake lamps, it can be ralted brake fluid level or about brake pads (if brake pads are worn fluid level is not good because of this reason) but you said fluid level is okay, so maybe fluid level sensor may have problem. Check it if there is any broken cable or not. Or you can try the car with new brake fluid cab with new one..