Volvo Repair: Starting problem, automatic transmissions, safety switch
This evening I had a "little" accident with my 1987 volvo 240GL (B230K, automatic transmission). I hit the car in front of me. I was driving in D, and didn't brake before I hit the car. The engine stoped running. The two front lights, are broken, also the iron plate where the front lights mounted on.
When I will start ( in "P" or "N"), The engine will not start. I checked the contacts that detects the "P" and "N", but they are OK.
I wanted to know that there is a safety item for automatic transmissions? Is there something that protects the automatic transmission, when the car crashes?
thank you.
greetings from Belgium,
Answerno there is no safety device. what sometimes happens is the shifter lever comes out of the nuetral safety switch.under the shifter cover on the floor is the nuetral safety switch.the shift lever has a pin on it that fits into a white piece on the safety sure this is hooked properly.