Question240 1985 99,000 miles
start her up. and first time i push the brakes it
squeals...after a couple more pumps of the brakes (while
moving) the squeaking subsides...the brakes wer ejust re
done?! any idea?
also, start it cuts off..when i first put it in drive...put
it back in park..start it up...adn it is fine.?!!
finally, ac wasnt working...had it "recharged (freon)"
$160....lasted one, no Ac...the volvo guiy in
town said...oh, because we put in ultarviolent tester...and it
showed no leaks..tha means it must be the (something),
and will be about $600!!!! to fix. What? can you help with
any of this..I really aprreciate it. Thanks. John
Answerdepends on what kind of brakes they were if they were not volvo I would not use them.
the stalling may be the throttle body needs cleaned and adjusted properlyI would start with that first
I would find another volvo guy.if there is no freon in the system there must be a leak if there is freon in it then there could be an electrical should really be looked at for a proper diagnosis.I would find someone else to maybe look at it.