Volvo Repair: Volvo temperature sensors, coolant temperature sensor, upper radiator hose
I just asked you the question about how to replace my thermostat, cold box sensor, temperature sensors, and temperature sender (I've looked in my repair manual and can't find a decent picture of where these things go). I already know I need to take off the manifold (and I have the gasket).
Forgot to mention that I have a 240DL 1986 with a B230 engine.
Answerthe thermostat is easy remove the 2 10mm nuts on the housing on the engine where the upper radiator hose attaches the thermostat is in this will have to drain the coolnt and refill it.there is a drain on the exhaust manifold side of the will be a brass colored fitting.
not sure what a cold box sensor is as for a the engine coolant temperature sensor for the fuel system or the sesnor for the temperature guage they are both under the intake and do not require removal of intake.the one for fuel system will be below intake below the area of intake runners for cylinders 3 and 4.the one for the guage is farther toward the front of the engine under the intake and is easier to see.