Volvo Repair: Car wont start, coil wire, fuel pump
QuestionWithout warning, my 1995 940 (4-cyl with 140,000) would not start. Car turned over but just would not catch, almost like the coil wire had been removed; it wasn't.
Gas is 3/4 full, fuel pump fuse is good, battery is charged. Everything seemed connected. I even tried all the mystic stuff, floored the gas peddel, shifted to netural, turned the radio down and prayed. No go.
Thank for your help.
Cheers ... Rick
it seems to me as "power unit" problem. On the left front fender area there is a power unit for ignition system its part number is 3501921 or 3501920 depends on the engine type, you can find it easily, remove it and read the part number from on it and try the car with a new power unit, in my opinion it will solve the problem.