Volvo Repair: New head gasket/car wont start, timing belt tensioner, head gasket
Question1991 240 with 250,000 miles. Car had a leak from the head gasket. We put on a new head gasket and most of the gaskets and seals from the head/block
surface up. Replaced front crank oil seal. Replaced the timing belt tensioner, fuel injector seals, cleaned the throttle body, replaced the flame trap, holder and hose. The car won't start, it appears we have a small leak coming from the front crank oil seal. I also noticed a small amount of anti-freeze dripping from somewhere. I need your help! My husband is ready to throw in the towel and I need my car running. When I try to start the car it makes a whirring sound not the normal cranking sound. I'll appreciate any and all advise.
AnswerI put a head gasket on my car today a 92 740 turbo.sounds like the strange whirring may be no compression due to maybe the timing belt is on wrong.I would first check that the timing belt is installed correctly.if it is ok I would check that there is good compression at the cylinder sometimes they get washed down and can be hard to start.if the head was sent to a machine shop for valve job the valves may need adjusted because they are too tight.without seein it it is hard to say wwish I could help more or see it to help more.