Volvo Repair: wiring diagrams, haynes repair manual, wiring diagrams
QuestionI own a 1984 volvo 4 cyl. 240 dl wagon.The guy I bought it from replaced the motor.When he did so he didn't hook up 2 sensors on the engine block and the overdrive.I would like to get this taken care of asap.I just don't know where the overdrive hooks into.One sensor is behind the alt.and the other one is under the intake.The overdrive has me stumped I have a blue wire coming out by the firewall but is not connected to anything.Maybe you can help me.Thanks Julian Cottrell
Answerthe overdrive would hook up to the transmission where ever the wire is for the solenoid.should be on the drivers side near the rear of the could buy a haynes repair manual they have wiring diagrams in them.or try to order the factory manual