Volvo Repair: engine stalling, engine wiring harness, fuel pumps

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I have been having a problem with my 1985 740 GLE non-turbo manual shift sedan for over a year.  The car will stall while driving down the road or fail to start after having been turned off for a short period of time. In all such cases the car will restart after one to five minutes and then run as if nothing was ever wrong.  In its present state the car may go 4 days without stalling or stall as many as 5 times in a day and once 3 times in 2 miles.

When I purchased the car 31/2 years ago I installed a new engine wiring harness.  Since the stalling problem has cropped up I have tuned the car with new plugs, ignition wires, rotor and checked the timing.  I have pulled all the harness connections apart and back together as well as the sensors(temp.-o2-injectors-tps-etc.) connectors plus c.u.s(injection and ignition) some of which I put back together with dialectric grease.

In calling around trying to gain some insight into my problem I was persuaded to buy a used fuel injection relay which I installed. This did not change matters and taking apart the old relay I could see no signs of over heating as in melted solder, etc.

I then rigged 3 telltale lights to the fuel injection relay.  The first one is on a swithch to tell me if the relay is receiving power from the battery.  When ever that switch is on the light has always been lit.  The other lights each tell if the circuits powered by the relay were receiving power.  When the ignition switch is on both lights are always lit even when the engine won't start.  

Further, the tach needle moves when I'm trying to start the engine before its ready to start - I assume this means that the ignition is working...?
I did a current draw test on the main and in-tank fuel pumps, 8amps and 1.5 amps respectively.  #1 and #11 fuses have been pulled and checked as all the relays regardless of function.  

I also replaced the A.M.M. with a used unit.  When car stalls I have unplugged the A.M.M. harness and tried to restart on limp home mode. Car will not start  until it chooses.  (Wife says I should push it off the cliff.)  How do I fix this thing?

Thanks for any insight you can provide.
Answer -

This is the page I received when I went to your answer link.  As you can see no answer is recorded.  Should I have done something differently?  Please reply.  Thank you.

Hello William,
On the left front fender, there is ignition power unit on these type cars. It may cause same type problem that you have. Part Number depends on the engine type but generally 3501921 or 3501922. Did you check it? If you did not, I recommend you to replace it with new one.
