Volvo Repair: Front wheel alignment, front wheel alignment, strut bolts
QuestionI have a 98 Volvo S70 turbo.. Recently bought a set of new goodyear tires with alignment. Pulled slightly to right before the new tires were installed Old tires were Goodyr and worn on one side more than other .Goodyr Tech says all the angles Camber Caster and Toe are set to specs with the Hunter laser alignment rack. and cannot set caster or camber. Can only set Toe, but car drifts slightly to the right in flat streets or freeway when I let go the steering wheel. seems to be getting worse. Tech says possible over pressure in the rack and pinion on one side causing it.. the rack is a little chattery in pressure when i turn tight and sometimes doesnt feel right on a tight u turn. What can be done for this problem? Is it the rack or alignment problem that can be adjusted?
Thank You
Answerwithou seeing it I can not say for sure what the problem is.It could be a problem in the rack and pinion.there is a slight bit of adjustment in the camber by lossening the strut bolts where they hold the strut to the could try having the left camber set as far positive as possible and the right set as negative as possible.the adjustment is so small that it will still be within specs.this little bit of adjustment can make a difference.