Volvo Repair: Unexplained problem, fuel pump relay, first thing i do in the morning
QuestionHi Chris,
My 1990 240D bought new has been serviced by the same expert garage for the past 13 years. They had trouble putting their fingers on the following.
1) Intermittent trouble: Twice now, the car would not start after being parked after less than hour while I was doing errand. Once starting motor cranked but engine would not turn over. After towing into garage, the car started right away on its own. Second time, starting motor would not even crank, dead period. After leaving it there overnight, the next morning it started normally.
2) The first thing I do in the morning is to back my car out of the driveway. After stopping and upon release of the brake, there was always a loud noice as though I just hit another car. Sounded like something underneath in the back was dropped. Car was normal afterwards and sympton was never repeated until the next morning on first backup but it always happened. Tried using handbrake to stop once and did not hear the noise. Releasing foot brake slowly told me the noise came upon the release of the brake and not while applying the brake. The mechanic did not see anything loose enough to account for it.
I'd appreciate any comment or suggestion on where to look.
Thanks Chris,
Alan Kan
Answeras for the noise, i have no idea. as for the starting condition you have 2 faults. i would check the fuel pump relay first, replace that. and the second fault was when your battery went dead. something must have been left on to account for that. the problems are NOT related so it would seem at this point.