Volvo Repair: Car wont start, volvo 740gle, proper diagnosis
Question87/volvo 740gle wagon 172023
My car will not start gas is going threw the line,but she will turn over then die. When she was starting while driving for about 20min. the rpm would jump between 3/4 rpms and stick this would result in the car stallling while driving and moving at a turtle pace. until the car was stoped and turned off. then upon trying to start it again she would not turn over. Can you help?
Answerthere are many possibilities it will realy need to be looked at for a proper diagnosis.just because it has gas going through the line does not mean the pressure is enough.I would try disconnecting the air mass meter and then try to start will run with it disconnected but not accelerate very well.if it runs disconnected and then dies if you connect it, it is bad.