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What is Medical Transport?

Medical transport can refer to numerous types of transportation and transportation companies that serve those who are ill. Some of these companies only transport people in emergency situations. Helicopters and ambulances that get gravely ill people to hospitals in a hurry usually don’t require any advanced thinking on the part of the sick person. Merely calling emergency services will bring an ambulance quickly so people are transported to hospitals and quick medical care.

There are lots of times though, when people need transportation in non-emergency settings, but have medical conditions that would make it impossible to drive or use public transportation. Alternately some may need to get somewhere at a significant distance for specialized care. Plenty of private companies are available to provide these types of services.

A number of medical transport businesses exist that can get people to the medical care they need by a variety of means. Some companies offer airplane transport and a few even have their own planes. Others offer medical escorts so people take a standard flight. A lot of companies have either ambulances or vans that could take people, who have mobility issues or who are bed-ridden, to hospitals or doctors appointments. Some people even need medical transport if they’re injured away from home, perhaps wheelchair-bound, and can’t get home by driving.

A lot of the time people will have to pay significant amounts for non-emergency medical transport. Under a few circumstances where disability exists, insurance or plans like Medicare pick up the cost. Another way people might find reduced costs is by looking for low-cost or charitable agencies that offer medical transport. The majority of the free agencies are offered to children and intended for children and possibly their families to get to hospitals that provide specialized types of care. A number of Internet sites have full listings of which charities are available.

In the main, however, medical transport is a for-profit business, and prices can be high to use it. There are even websites devoted to the subject of how people can begin their own transportation businesses and “make millions!” In light of the enthusiasm for the profit aspects of the industry, people would do well to determine which companies seem most professional and trained.

Good questions include whether those doing the transporting have any medical training. Most ambulance companies employ emergency medical technicians, but it isn’t the case that a company providing medical transport vans will necessarily do the same. It’s best to choose those companies with employees who would know how to take the appropriate actions if a medical condition suddenly deteriorates.