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What Is an ATV Rear Rack?

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) rear rack is a metal rack that mounts behind the operator's seat on the vehicle. Used to carry gear, tools and other supplies, the ATV rear rack is a versatile accessory and is typically an often-used component on an ATV. Usually constructed from light-duty, mild steel or aluminum, the ATV rear rack is often powder-coated black or painted the body color of the ATV. The rack is typically a factory-included option on most styles of ATV. Several manufacturers market accessories that are designed to mount onto the rack, thereby adding even more versatility and convenience to the vehicle.

Most all-terrain vehicles are usually difficult to safely operate using only one hand, even when equipped with power-assisted steering. The rider typically needs to keep both hands on the controls at all times while the vehicle is in motion. This makes an ATV rear rack a near necessity when transporting supplies, tools and hunting or fishing gear. The rack is designed to allow items to be secured to the metal framework by straps. The ATV rear rack is not typically designed or intended to be used as a passenger riding position.

In most cases, the ATV rear rack is positioned directly over the rear tires of the ATV, providing added traction to the tires when loaded. Hunters often use this rack to transport big game harvests out of the wilderness, while farmers commonly use the rack to transport heavy bags of animal feed and other materials to remote locations of a farm. Camping supplies, repair materials and even hunting dogs can be easily transported into difficult-to-reach locations by using an ATV rear rack. The typical rack is stamped with a maximum load rating and should never be overloaded since this could damage the ATV.

Many accessories are marketed to increase the functionality of an ATV by bolting different devices to the ATV rear rack. Some of the optional tools for the rack are designed for assisting the working rider. Chain saw carriers, fence post holders and spools to hold wire fence are just some of the optional equipment designed for the ATV. Hunting accessories consist of gun and bow and arrow holders, hunting stand carriers as well as hunting dog boxes to transport dogs safely into and out of woods and swamps. Winches, sprayers and liquid supply tanks are also designed to mount onto the ATV rear rack to assist groundskeepers of both large and small properties.